2023 AJCA Breeder of the Year: Bailey Malone
2022 AJCA Breeder of the Year: Gracelyn Lee
2019 AJCA Breeder of the Year: Logan Sigmon
To promote member’s efforts in breeding their own cattle and acknowledge them for their efforts in developing and improving their livestock program.
The Arkansas Junior Cattlemen’s Association Breeder of the Year award will be awarded on points accumulated at shows during the current show year. Points will be awarded for Bred & Owned animals only.
Bred & Owned classification will only be provided by exhibitors who at the time of the award application submit the animal’s registration papers showing the exhibitor as the breeder and the first and continuous sole owner of the animal being exhibited. The exhibitor must also be the sole owner of the dam of the calf being exhibited. No multiple owners, joint ownership with a farm, family members or other individuals is allowed on the Dam’s registration. The dam’s registration papers must show the exhibitor as owner at the time of breeding on the calf being exhibited. Copies of both registrations MUST accompany the award application. Failure to provide appropriate paperwork will result in disqualification from the award process.
This award is open to all current Arkansas Junior Cattlemen’s Association members who have paid their dues. Dues must be paid for the current year before points can be counted.
Points should be submitted on the AJCA members 10 highest placing shows. Points earned will be for Breed Points and points if the animal placed in the overall Top 5 for Heifers or Bulls.
Points are awarded to the highest placing animal shown by the exhibitor at shows. Only one animal per show may accumulate points.
An application can be obtained from the AJCA website at www.ajcattle.com . Members must use the official application.
The application must be submitted to the State Points Administrator of the Arkansas Junior Cattlemen’s Association by June 15th (postmarked) each year to be considered for the award. Award winner will be announced at the annual AJCA awards event.
The award applications will be reviewed against the final points file for verification of the points listed on the application. The winner will be determined based off of the application with the highest accumulated points for the show year.
Points will be accumulated from October 1 of the previous year through May of the current year.
Exhibitor is required to keep up with the points for each animal on their own.