Rookie of the Year Award

2023 Pee Wee Rookie of the Year: Evelyn Reed

2023 Jr. Rookie of the Year: Tristan Garrison

2023 Sr. Rookie of the Year: Emily Dunnam

2023 Overall Rookie of the Year: Tristan Garrison

2022 Pee Wee Rookie of the Year: Gracelyn Lee

2022 Jr. Rookie of the Year: Gracie Goodwin

2022 Sr. Rookie of the Year: Abby Ralston

2022 Overall Rookie of the Year: Abby Ralston

2021 Pee Wee Rookie of the Year: Gentry Groves
2021 Junior Rookie of the Year: Justice Bell
2021 Senior Rookie of the Year: Cooper Plyler
2021 Overall Rookie of the Year: Justice Bell

To establish an awards system for first year exhibitors (Rookies) in the Arkansas Junior Cattlemen’s Association (AJCA).

Like any organization, the Arkansas Junior Cattlemen’s Association depends on junior members for its survival. Youth livestock exhibitors across the state of Arkansas will be actively encouraged to join AJCA. Every effort will be made to enhance their participation. In order to encourage new members to stay actively involved during and after their initial membership year, the AJCA will honor first year showmen with the AJCA “Rookie of the Year” program.


Exhibitors must be a paid member of AJCA.

Exhibitors must meet age requirements and abide by rules established by the AJCA.

Accumulation of points will begin on the date that the treasurer receives the membership application.

Exhibitors must be a first-year member to participate in this program

Exhibitors must exhibit cattle in at least five (5) AJCA-sanctioned point shows.

Overall year-end point totals (inclusive of showmanship, breeding beef, commercial heifers, and steers) will be used to determine the winner of each age division. The Top 5 points in bulls, heifers and steers will not be included in the tabulation of total points for this award.

This award is based on TOTAL POINTS for the exhibitor (not just top 12 shows).

All “NEW” AJCA members are eligible and considered “in the running” for Rookie awards. There is no application to complete other than the normal membership application.


Awards will be presented at the annual AJCA Awards Program.

Awards will be presented in the following divisions: PeeWee “Rookie of the Year” (8 and under); Junior “Rookie of the Year” (ages 9-13); Senior “Rookie of the Year” (ages 14-20)

The exhibitor with the highest overall point total (any age group) will be named the “AJCA Overall Rookie of the Year.” This exhibitor will receive a championship belt buckle.